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EO - 1979

Cited Law
What it Does
Control of Stray Dogs
EO 001-1979
Article IV, §6 of the REvised Constitution of Am.Samoa
Lifts freeze on personnel actions
EO 002-1979
Repealed by EO 12-1987
Office of Traffic Safety
EO 003-1979
23 U.S.C. § 402 & 49 C.F.R. § 1.48 & 1.50
Amended by EO 004-1982
Establishes the Office of Traffic Safety
EO 004-1979
Garnishment Procedures for Enforcement of Child Support and Alimony Obligations
EO 005-1979
A.S.C.A. § 11.7073(b)
Repealed by EO 008-1984
Garnishment for Child Support
Personnel Actions Frozen
EO 006-1979
Repealed by EO 001-1980
Personnel Actions Frozen

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Office Hours: 7:30 am to 4:00 pm

©2023 by Secretary of American Samoa.

Funding Provided by the United States Department of the Interior

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