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EO - 1992

EO #
Cited Law
What it does?
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
EO # 001-1992
Hurricane Val
A.S.C.A. §26.0105
Helps to restore and help the Territory recover from the aftermath of Hurricane Val
Extension of State of Disaster Emergency Under Hurricane Val
EO # 002-1992
Hurricane Val
A.S.C.A. §26.0105
Provide Relief and Recovery Program
Executive Oder Establishing cuilding Standards for Recovery from Hurricane Val disaster
EO # 003-1992
Hurricane Val
Article IV, §§6 and 7 of the rEvised Constitution of American Samoa; A.S.C.A. §§26.0105 and 4.0111
The major Disaster under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act for the Territory of American Samoa will repair the damages to their homes and properly caused by Hurricane Val.
Overtime Policy and Personnel Actions During Stage of Disaster Emergency and Period of Recovery - Hurricane Val
EO # 004-1992
Hurricane Val
Article IV of the Revised Constitution of Am. Samoa; A.S.C.A. §§4.0111 and 26.0105(g)
For this, it allows employees of departments and agencies working during the state of emergency disaster precipitated by Hurricane Val resulted in a very successfu; reponse and assistance for overtime.
Establishment of the American Samoa Government Task Force on Food Stamp, Unemployment Compensation and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Federal Programs.
EO # 005-1992
Food Stamp
Article IV, §6 of the Revised Constitution of Am. Samoa; A.S.C.A. §4.0302(a)
Gather information from federal agencies and other sources that deals with food stamp, unemployment compensation and SSI program.
Three Year Ban on Hunting or Killing of Bats and Birds.
EO # 006-1992
Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources.
Revised Constitution and law of American Samoa
This bans everybody from killing bats and birds so we can reduce the population
Delineation of Authority of Procurement of Goods, Services, Architect-Engineer and/or Construction Services Related to Hurricane Recovery
EO # 007-1992
4 C.F.R. §206.41(d)
This clearly justifies the need of appointing a GAR to look at the Emergency Assistance Act Funding and making sure that the Territory compliance with procedures and requirements for the Emergency Assistance Act. The GAR has the authority to sign approve all necessary documents hurricane related.
Establishing a Working Committee to Develop Territorial Damage Assessment Plan
EO # 008-1992
Working Committee
Article IV §§6 and 7 of the Revised Constitution of American Samoa; A.S.C.A. §§26.0105(b) and 26.0105(g) and 4.0111
Establishing a working committee from the DPW, Local Government, ASPA, Office of Communications and the Territorial Emergency Management Coordinating
Mandating the Development and Production of Standard Operating Procedures (SAP) for Department of Medical Services, Department of Education, Department of Public Works and Department of Public Safety.
EO # 009-1992
Article IV §§6 and 7 of the Revised Constitution of American Samoa; A.S.C.A. §26.0105
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) is a report gathered by especially for Department of Medical Services, DOE and DPW to track down accounts and funds that was used to repair and rebuild AMerican Samoa that was damage during the Hurricane.
Surplus Review Board
EO # 010-1992
Surplus Review Board
This board was established to review surplus personal property of the American surplus personal property of the American Samoa Government. This Board will set up policies and uniform procedures and regulations in implementing their review of surplus property.
Establishment of the Future Political Status Commission
EO # 011-1992
Future Political Status Commission
A.S.C.A §4.0302
Study alternative forms of political status open to American samoa and assess the advantages and disadvantages, study and appraise the history, development, and present status of political units, and present reports of its findings and recommendations as soon as possible to the Governor and Legislature, issue subsequent reports as the study and the circumstances warrant.
Joint Working Group to Address GAO Recommendations
EO # 012-1992
GAO Recommendations
Repealed by EO 01-1993
Establishing this Group to develop a plan to identify resources needed to address the recommendations, develop a database necessary to track progress of items addressed, recommend changes in policies or laws to carry out the changes due to the financial problems identified in the GAO Report.
Establishment of Land Review Board
EO # 013-1992
Land Review Board
Revised Constitution and law of American Samoa
The Board is established to review all vacant, unused or available Governemtn land to project the needs of the Government. Lands available or not projected for Government use, then this available land will be viewed by the Board for either leasing or returning to the original land owners. The Board will work with the Real Property Management Board to make the projections for the Government's land needs.
American Samoa Petroleum Cooperative
EO # 014-1992
Petroleum Cooperative
A.S.C.A. §4.0302(a)
Have power and duties enumerated, they also have the authority to levy and collect the necessary rents, terminal fees and assessments for the Constructions, maintenance and refurbishment and to obligate and expend said funds for suc purpses, and have report submitted to the Governor and the legislature an annual report on all activities and progress.
Establishment of Policies and Procedures for Orderly Transition from the Present Administration to the Newly Elected Administration.
EO # 015-1992
Policies and Procedures
A.S.C.A. §4.0105
Review Documents and Reports, schedule meetings between American Samoa Gov't directors or employees and their departments witht the transition team from the new administration.
An Order to Clarify the Transfer of Exclusive Auhtority over the Administration and Enforcement of Title 20, Chapter 03, American Samoa Code Annotated from the Department of Port Administration to the Department of Public Safety
EO # 016-1992
Department of Port Administration Department of Public Safety
Article IV, §5 of the REvised Constitution of Am. Samoa; A.S.C.A. §4.0111(b)
Amends EO 012-1991
Transfer complete and exclusive authority over the administration of laws relating to boat operations as set forth in Title 20, Chapter 02, ASCC from the Department of Port Adminstration to the Department of Public Safety.
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