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EO - 1993

EO #
Cited Law
What it does?
Joint Working Group to Address GAO Recommendations
EO # 001-1993
GAO Recommendations
Repealed by EO 03-1994; Repeals EO 012-1992
Make a plan that would state specific of action to respond to each of the areas needing improvements as discussed during their GAO reports.
Transfer of Authority to Administer, MAnage and Control Government Housing from the Department of Public Works to the Governor's Offive.
EO # 002-1993
Department of Public Works
Article IV, §6 of the Revised Constitution of Am. Samoa; A.S.C.A. §§12.0502 and 4.0312(a)
Redesignate the Office of the Governor as tge Agency Responsible for the Administration, Management and Control of Government Housing as Promulgated under ASCA 12.0502
Government Vehicles
EO # 003-1993
Government Vehicles
Policies and Rules regarding the Use of Government Vehicles.
Administering Agency for Criminal Justice System Grants.
EO # 004-1993
Criminal Justice
Repealed by EO 002-1996
The US Department of the Interior are hereby designated to be administered by the Department of Legal Affairs under the authority of the Attorney General.
Creation of Investigation Division Within Governor's Office
EO # 005-1993
Governor's Office
Repealed by EO 06-1993
Establishing of a Investigation Division in the Governor's Office to investigate complaints and cases that have been filed with the Governor's Office.
Cancellation of Executive Order No. 05-1993 Creating an INvestigation Division with Governor's Office
EO # 006-1993
Governor's Office
Repeals EO 05-1993
Cancelling the previous Executive Order of Division Establishment within the Governor's Office.
Management of Petroleum Facilities
EO # 007-1993
Petrole Facilities
Repealed by EO 006-1998
Assure that Departments and Offices of the Executive Branch, including the Department of Public Works and the Terriroral Energy Office, are authorized and directed to make available such personnel resources, and assistance as the Executive Director of ASPA may request to achieve the purposes of this Executive Order.
An Order to Join the Responsibilities of the REal Property Management Board the Indutrial Park Commission, the Fagatogo Commercial Development Evaluation Board, and the Downtown Deisgn Review Board.
EO # 008-1993
Join of Responsibilities
Repeals EO 03-1987 and EO 04-1987; Amends EO 11-1987; Amended by EO 001-1998
The sole purpose of this EO is to manage all government-owned land that does not fall within the parks system by joining the responsibilties for the Real Property Management Board, the Industrial Park Commission, the Fagatogo Commercial Development Evaluation Boar, and the Downtown Design REview Board, and Executive Order, which established the Fagatogo Commercial Development Evaluation Board in their entirely
An Order Transferring Authority for the Administration, Operation and Maintenance of the Aerial Tramway Serving the Summit of Mt. Alava
EO # 009-1993
Transferring of the Aerial Tramway for more effective management
Establishment of the American Samoa Hospital and Hospital Advisory Board
EO # 010-1993
011(b) ASC
REpealed by EO EO 017-1993; Repeals EO 001-1991
The Board is to advise the Governor and the Hospital Director in the PLanning and implementation of a semi-autonomous Hospital Authority.
EO # 011-1993
Repealed by EO 012-1993
An Order Repealing Executive Order No. 11-1993
EO # 012-1993
Article IV, §6 of the REvised Constitution of Am. Samoa; A.S.C. §4.0111(b)
Repeals EO 011-1993
Repeals EO 11-1993, which assigned to the Director of the Department of Public Works all rights, power, duties and authority for the procurement of all construction goods and services, and the management, goods and services pertaining to the operations of the Department of Public Works.
An Executive Order Vesting Reponsibility and Authorities in the Office of Criminal Justice Planning Agency Respecting the Administration of the Victims of Crime Compensation Program
EO # 013-1993
Office of Criminal Justice
A.S.C.A. §§46.0101 and 4.0106; A.S.C. Chapters 1 and 3, Title 3
Rescinded by EO 003-1997
The Criminal Justice Planning Agency and its board may apply for, contract for, receive, and extend for its purposes any appropriation or grant for the Territory, the federal government, or any other sourse public or private on accordance with the apporiation.
Declaration of Territorial Disaster Due to the Taro Leaf Blight
EO # 014-1993
On a safe look out of the Taro Leaf epidemic, a look out. k
An Order Amending Executive Order 11-1987 to add the American Samoa Power Authority as a Member of the REal Property Management Board
EO # 015-1993
Amends EO 011-1987
Adding the Executive Director of the American Samoa Power of Authority as a member of the REal Property Management Board
Declaration of Medical Emergency
EO # 016-1993
Medical Emergency
Having all Executive Agencies, Department and Offices of the American Samoa government shall cooperate fully with the LBJ Tropical Medical Center and render all possible assistance during the Medical Emergency.
Establishment of the American Samoa Hospital Authority
EO # 017-1993
American Samoa Hospital
Repealed by EO 003-1997; Amended by EO 014-1995; Repeals EO 010-1993
The hospital Authority is formed to establish and operate a general hospital, including laboratories and other facilities or departments thereof, for the medical and surgical care and treatment of the sick and injured.

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Funding Provided by the United States Department of the Interior

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